
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

March Favourites!!

Wow, it feels like forever since I last did a monthly favourites post! I wanted to do a favourites post, partly because they're one of my favourite posts to do and partly because I recently purchased a few new items that I absolutely adore. 

The first of my favourites is my Tangle Teezer. I feel like I'm a bit late on the whole Tangle Teezer trend, but I've wanted to purchase one for quite a while now - although never got round to actually doing it, and I'm so happy with the purchase. It works so well and I definitely recommend the brand. Personally, I doubt that there will be any going back to normal hairbrushes! 

My second favourite for this month are my new Suedette Chelsea boots from Boohoo.com. Let me just tell you, I'm absolutely and completely in love with them. They're so comfortable and so stylish. I'd been looking for some boots like these for a few weeks and when I came across these online I could not help myself! 

My next two favourite are both beauty favourites. The first is the Seventeen BB (Beauty Balm). I'm not going to lie, I'd been eyeing this up for a couple of months but never got around to actually popping into Boots and purchasing it - but now I have purchased it, I do really like it and it feels so nice on my skin. The second of my beauty favourites is the Maybelline Baby Lips Dr. Rescue collection - although, a lot of the time, my lips don't necessarily need 'repairing', I still really like this product (but the Baby Lips Peach Kiss will always be my favourite!).

My final favourite for the month is a bag (and, if you didn't know already, bags are kind of my weak point - my Dad always says I have more bags than a bag shop!). It's from Forever 21, and it's black and I absolutely love it. You can buy it here


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