
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

2015 Bucket List!

Hi everyone! Today's post is my 2015 bucket list. I made a bucket list last year (and also last Summer), but I didn't actually complete it so I thought I would make a new one this year - and I'll let you guys know if I do actually complete it at the end of the year (or if I complete it before the end of the year). I think that bucket lists are a great way of helping you remember the goals you set for yourself, and they also challenge you to actually complete the things on your bucket list, so here is mine:

 Get a job!

 Lose weight / get fit

 Pass exams

 Get into college 

 Have a healthier lifestyle in general

 Go to a festival!

 Become more confident (both in general, and more confident with my body)

 Visit London with friends / become more independent in this kind of thing

There are a few other things that I'd like to achieve throughout this year, but they aren't really things I could put on a bucket list (as they aren't really things to complete, if that makes sense), but anyway that is my little bucket list, which I'll probably end up mentally adding things to as the year goes on but this is the version I am starting the year with. 
My next post is my top 5 for 2014, and that will be up next Sunday but in the mean time, I hope you enjoyed this post! 


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